Our policy on the management of culture in different regions across the country
Management of regional culture aims at the following objectives:
- To avoid and minimize the imbalance of spirit and culture between localities in the process of industrialization and modernization in which development level varies from one region to another.
- To promote local cultural characteristics and create favorable conditions for sub-regions to exchange cultural activities in order to make local development match the national development and further receive inputs from bigger communities in the country for their development.
- To preserve and refurbish the cultural scenery and environment in localities, promote folklore from architectural constructions such as temples, pagodas etc to traditional literature, popular art and legends. Management of regional culture and administrative mangement can protect the traditional arts of villages and sub-regions across the countries.
The basic objective of the management of regional culture is to avoid the overdevelopment in some localities and less-development in some others. Economic development should not destroy the landscape or the cultural environment of sub-regions and regions. Good management of regional culture will also create a solid basis and appropriate environment for cultural management in administrative territorial areas. The cultural correlation between different geographical areas will gradually be built up according to economic areas upon which cultural development will go along with economic development.
Contents of management of regional culture:
Firstly, in annual and long term plans, the culture and information branch should include schemes to promote and exchange cultural activities between regions and sub-regions; secondly, the State should have plans and allocate budgets to support the organizations of cultural events – e.g. sport festivals in cultural regions; thirdly, the State should stipulate an appropriate approach to set up a fund for developing and maintaining cultural space and support the establishment of an artistic and cultural troupe, espcially traditional singing- dancing and music troupe in a province which has the most advantages in the region; adopting a suitable mechanism and allocating funds for traditional literature and art associations and a popular liturature fund to effectively operate; fourthly, building cultural villages of ethnic minorities as the cultural centers for all ethnic minorities across the country. Expanding the system of museums to exhibit all material and spiritual culture of every region.
To build and develop an advanced culture which is embrued with national and regional characteristics, it is necessary to build and implement the manangement of cultural space. To do so, there should be an uniform stand in awareness and guidelines to formulate policy on culture which will be made concrete by mandated plans, and enhanced institutional setting to implement the management of regional cultural space in the entire system of leadership and mangement of culture of the Party and State.