The Government’s drastic and consistent direction in socio-economic development
2006 was the first year Vietnam implemented Resolutions of the 10th National Party Congress and the 2006-2010 five-year plan. In addition to major advantages created after 20 years of the national renewal process, we had to confront numerous difficulties including repeated typhoons and other natural disasters. Bird flu threatened to re-appear, and foot and mouth disease occurred widely among livestock. Pests and plant diseases such as "ray nau" (brown plant hoppers) and other ragged stunt rice diseases caused heavy losses to rice production in the Mekong river delta. Changes in the world, particularly in energy and materials prices negatively affected domestic production and price stabilisation.
However, the country obtained and surpassed almost all socio-economic indicators set by the National Assembly. The national economy continued to grow at a rather high rate and positive changes took place in many social aspects. Particularly, many sectors and branches further developed, contributing to the GDP growth rate and external activities obtained major achievements. In the fight against corruption and waste of public property, the Government completed many important tasks, including institution development, and settled major court cases, initially building confidence in the people. It can be said that in 2006, the Government made strong and consistent changes in its guidance and operation of socio-economic tasks, obtained encouraging success in regulating the socialist-oriented market economy and gradually accessed world prices. However, these efforts did not lead major changes to occur but stabilised social life. In order to successfully reach socio-economic development objectives set by Resolutions of the 10th Party Congress, we must: First, further improve the institutions of the socialist-oriented market economy for a quality and sustainable socio-economic development. Second, renew the management mechanism and the budget revenue and expenditure control procedures in a simple, modern, open and transparent manner complying with international practice. We shall control expenditure by outputs, gradually establish a system to control risks, manage budgets and debts, strengthen the inspection, supervision, monitoring and management of taxation and budget expenditure, accelerate exports, reduce import surplus and develop the domestic market. Third, take concrete measures to retain and increase the number of tourists, improve the quality of tourism services and invest in embellishing typical tourist areas and tourism products to further promote tourism in Vietnam. Fourth, accelerate the policy and mechanism making process to effectively resolve social issues. Fifth, further carry out administrative reform to make State governance more effective, and firmly and consistently implement measures against corruption, wastefulness in addition to resolving complaints and grievances. Sixth, develop bylaw documents. Seventh, strictly realise the Government’s working Regulations and accelerate the inspecting of documents. With new impetus in 2007, the Government is determined to consistently realise the renewal policies, concentrate on its profound, dynamic, drastic and consistence governance in all fields to create further changes in socio-economic development and contribute to accelerating the national industrialisation and modernisation process.